Intelligence At The Edge

Teledatics develops intelligent distributed wireless solutions that enable smart Internet-of-Things devices to make intelligent decisions based on data flows in the field.

Smart Hardware

Recent developments in artificial intelligence enable end devices to understand and make decisions without a requiring human presence or review. While human interaction is required for overall policy or strategy creation, carrying out these requirements can be done intelligently by devices in situ.


  • Weed control & removal
  • Application of water, herbicide, pesticide, & fertilizer
  • Gas sensing & alarms
  • Solar & wind power site optimization & monitoring
  • Intelligent security systems
  • Intelligent site surveys

Focus On Enabling

Smart device development is in its infancy. While many efforts are underway, there is a dearth of quality developer hardware & software that can be used to create this new class of intelligent devices. Teledatics is also focused on creating affordable and extensible development platforms to enable creators working on smart device solutions.

  1. IEEE 802.11ah long-range Wi-Fi
  2. FPGA AI solution prototyping
  3. Multi-device integration & testing