Installing Drivers
Teledatics Linux Repository
Teledatics has created a repository that currently supports the Debian and Raspbian operating systems. This repository can be used to automatically install the TD-XPAH Linux drivers.
Add Repository
Run the following commands to add our GPG key and repository to your system
sudo wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo echo "deb bullseye misc" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/teledatics-repo.list
sudo apt update
Installing Drivers
To install the drivers run the following commands
sudo apt install spi-ft232h-dkms nrc-dkms
This will install and compile the drivers automatically for your system. This may take some time on smaller systems.
The drivers will be installed to directory
Loading Drivers
The spi-ft232h and nrc drivers load automatically whenever your TD-XPAH is connected to the system. You do not need to load the spi-ft232h or nrc drivers manually.
Unloading Drivers
To unload the drivers run the command:
sudo modprobe -r spi-ft232h
This will unload both the spi-ft232h and the nrc driver.
Make sure you unload the driver before you unplug the TD-XPAH from your Linux system.